A Quick Guide to Branding Your Vacation Rental

Branding your vacation rental will provide many benefits to your business.
Here are some key guidelines to follow.

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01. Analyze Your Target Audience And Competition

Before you can create a winning brand for your vacation rental business, you need a thorough understanding of your target market. Knowing who you want to reach and who you're competing with will help you craft a unique position that attracts the right people.

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02. Define Your Brand’s Focus And Voice

Author Seth Godin said it perfectly; "Everyone is not your customer". Although you may want to target all types of travelers, it's important to focus on specific segments of the market to build your brand.

Start by creating your position statement. This is simply a few lines that define your business and its purpose in the industry. Consider how it pertains to your property as it compares to others in the area, and find your points of differentiation.

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03. Choosing Your Brand Name

Your brand name is the core of your vacation rental branding. It will influence your logo, website domain, tagline, and overall marketing strategy. You want a brand name that's unique, stands out from competitors, and is hard to copy.

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04. Create Your Tagline

A good tagline is short and makes a strong first impression. You can use your tagline in your advertisements, social media accounts, or on your website's header. When creating a tagline consider the following about your business:

  • What is your unique selling position?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • What services do you offer?
  • Is your business catered more toward local or international guests?
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05. Select Colors And Fonts That Align With Your Brand

When choosing colors for your vacation rental branding, it is important to consider how these colors will appear in your home but also on your website. Colors evoke emotions and feelings from your guests and must align with the message of your brand. You also want to use colors that will differentiate you from your competitors.

There are many studies on color theory and psychology that provide a general feel for the effects of each color, but you will want to consider how these apply and how they fit in with the look and feel of your property.

Selecting Fonts:

It's best to keep it simple when choosing fonts for your branding. Find two fonts that will look good on your website; one for headings and the other for body text. Like colors, every font has a different feel and will evoke different feelings from your audience.

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06. Designing Your Logo

Your logo serves as the face of your business and is present almost everywhere your brand is displayed. It's essential to create a unique, identifiable logo that is easy to remember. It's also important that your logo is adaptable and scales well across sizes. This aspect is often overlooked but your logo needs to look great across a wide range of channels and devices.

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07. Align Your Branding Across All Channels

Building a brand goes beyond designing a logo and picking colors; it is a living entity and needs to be consistent everywhere your audience interacts with your business. This includes the design of your website, the images you post on social media, the tone of the emails you send, and so much more.

Andy Boice William Scott Unsung Studio

Let's Get You Standing Above the Competition

Unsung Studio is here to give your vacation rental a competitive edge and succeed in the crowded market. As creative experts in vacation rental and property branding, we understand the importance of both first impressions and a strong consistent brand that stands the test of time.